Non-POA Lots in Section 3

Memorial Glen, Non-POA Section 3 lots
Section 3 - Lots 11-18, Block 3 and Lots 1-21, Block 4

On July 20, 1961, Section 1 of Memorial Glen was formed by filing deed restrictions in the Harris County Property Records; on July 21, 1961, Section 2 of Memorial Glen was formed; on December 14, 1961, Section 3 was formed.  In October of 1961, A. Mascari filed restrictions for certain lots in Section 3, namely, Lots 11-16, Block 3, and Lots 1-21, Block 4.  On December 11, 1961, Mascari added two more lots to the Mascari Restriction, Lots 17-18, Block 3 (all Mascari lots highlighted on the map in green and referred to as Section 4 for ease of distinction).  The Mascari lots filed an almost verbatim set of restrictions to Section 3, except that there is NO assessment power. 

On February 19, 1965, Sections 1, 2, and 3 merged to form the Memorial Glen Property Owners Association (MGPOA), while the Mascari lots in Section 3 opted out of joining.  From 1965 until 2017 there was an informal relationship between the MGPOA and the Mascari lots.  The MGPOA provided certain services to the Mascari lots and those residents could voluntarily pay for these services.

In January 2019, the MGPOA dissolved the informal relationship such that no voluntary payments are made or required from the Mascari lots and no services are provided to the those residents (Section 3, Lots 11-18, Block 3, and Lots 1-21, Block 4).

Even though Lots 11-18, Block 3 and Lots 1-21, Block 4 exist in Section 3 of Memorial Glen, they are not governed by the MGPOA.  They are governed by the Mascari Restrictions only.

If you own one of these lots and need a letter stating this, hold your mouse over the 'Non-POA Lots in Section 3' title at the top of the site and then click on the link that pops up underneath it.  From there, you can print a letter stating this history.